How to use a Mobile App to Develop your Business? Download E-book


The main benefit of using the mobile channel in the company’s communication is related to the way these devices are used. More and more people use their smartphone throughout their day by checking content that is important to them. The convenience, ease, immediacy and availability are the main advantages of using the mobile channel. Such usability is an opportunity to create a unique and close relationship between the customer and the brand.


As your customers use this channel on a daily basis, you can:

  1. Have direct contact with the user Thanks to the usage of push messages, it is possible to provide the user with quick information on a selected topic. 
  2. Personalize your messages By downloading applications, the user consents to the processing of their personal data. Thanks to careful analysis it is possible to match the appropriate marketing message to the user.
  3. Build loyalty The effect of ensuring a close contact with the user is greater customer attachment to a given brand. You can achieve loyalty thanks to e.g. personalized offers, gamification techniques and others.
  4. Increase brand exposure 90% of the time spent on the phone is spent in applications (US, Flurry 2016). Therefore, assuming that your application will be one of those included in these 90%, you gain daily exposure to your brand.
  5. Inform in real-time The context of time and location has a definite effect on the purchase decisions made by the client. The geolocation function allows sending push notifications to the users when they are in the right place (e.g. near a store during its opening hours).


Mobile devices are an inseparable part of the life of a growing part of society. People check information, plan, communicate and make purchases using smartphones. The mobile channel is used to acquire information before choosing an offer and for the distribution of information after choosing it. That’s why we decided to write an e-book that will help you with this and answer the following questions:

  1. Mobile Market – General Trends
  2. What Can a Mobile App Give You?
  3. Good Usability Practices for Mobile
  4. How to Use a Mobile App in Your Business?
  5. When Does an Application Make Sense?


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